Thursday, December 25, 2008

Ockham's Razor

All other things being equal, the simplest solution is the best.

There was a very interesting article that I 'Stumbled Upon' earlier today. Update - here is the link. It is one of those stories that makes you feel a little queasy when you consider the possible implications it possesses. This is a story I do not remember hearing in any major news publication before, perhaps one of the few people who read this might be able to fill me in a little more.

So back in July 2001 a man by the name of Larry Silverstein made a very significant purchase. For those of you who do not this story, the date has probably already given away that purchase. Mr. Silverstein purchased four World Trade Center buildings, the most important being WTC 1 and 2. This was the first time in the towers 31 year history that the buildings had been sold and it happened only weeks before the nefarious attacks that changed the political foundation of our modern world. The article that I read, and will post here tomorrow, was based around maintenance issues regarding the asbestos of the WTC towers. The author was essentially questioning why anyone would pay 3+ billion dollars for buildings that were due to have extensive repairs done.

I don't know of the validity of the maintenance issues of the WTC and I don't want to get into the "Loose Change" debate. I simply want to ask a few questions that seem rather important to me. A few questions that I would of wanted answered before sending soldiers off to war. First, why is it that so much of this information has been kept seemingly secret or at least out of public attention for so long? To me it seems anyone due to profit in the billions from insurance only bought weeks before an accident, is either a) blessed with extremely good fortune or b) part of a major crime involving insurance fraud. If this was a murder and the victim had insurance taken out on them only weeks before, you can bet the police would be talking to the insuree. Secondly how is it that the greatest world altering event since WWII has had such a poor response as far as investigation (9/11 Comission reports)? Finally, why is it when anyone asks questions about the WTC attacks, they are automatically labeled as a conspiracy nut? Are people so trusting that they would never believe greedy people would murder for large sums of money?

Anyway, just a few questions I am throwing out there. It seems to me that as a populace we are willing to accept the simplest answer to this terrible event. However I don't think the information given to us has been laid out equally. We have only ever been given a small sample of the whole story.


  1. The Bush government and his media cronies did an excellent job in making sure that any "Truthers" out there are made pariah's for their beliefs.

    73% of the American populace describes them self as Religious and 50% of them believe that Noah's Ark was feasible. They are sheep, literally, they see themselves as lambs of their god. They want a strong leader to mobilize them and tell them "everything is going to be all right".

    They don't want complication. They don't want the truth...they want to move on with their lives as long as their lives are not effected. Clearly they are trusting...look at the Bank Bail out...over 1 TRILLION dollars handed out int he form of a blank check. You just know there are billions and billions being siphoned off for personal use.

    Canadians are getting close to this. The only difference being our politicians don't have the brass balls and total media control that the USA government has had for the past 30 years.

  2. I never knew the story behind Larry Silverstein, that is wild stuff. The 9-11 events have conspiracy written all over them, but too delve too deep into makes me paranoid and leaves me with a feeling of utter hopelessness and despair.

    As for Canada, I think we are well down the road on that path. If you don't think think the media control is that strong then how do you explain CTV, and Mike Duffy, completely sandbagging Stephane Dion (which isn't to say he ran the best campaign) in the last days of the election, then have the Conservative government turn around a couple of months later and make Duffy a Senator?

    Granted the money isn't as big as we see in the states, but given that nearly every major for profit media outlet endorsed Harper makes me afraid.

  3. Often, money is the simplist possible explanation. Who knows what the shady stuff going on exactly was, but the public story probably isn't the whole story.
