One of the benefits of living in Calgary is getting to see all four seasons in one day. Today was just one of those days. As Eli stayed with his grandma last night, we woke up this morning to sunlight streaming through the window. Thinking that perhaps the weather had changed from miserable yesterday, my wife was quite anxious to investigate. However as she pulled back the blinds, she emitted a loud gasp, as about three inches of snow had accumulated overnight. The trees looked quite deformed under the weight of the sopping snow and we were both left dumbstruck at the sight of snow in June.
Not wanting to pass up the free time that was allotted to us today, we decided to catch a movie before picking up Eli. So we headed across town and watched the weather slowly get warmer and warmer. We arrived at the movie theater and opted to see "Drag Me To Hell". It was a nice quiet noon show, with only about a dozen people in the theater. As the show was about to start, a mother and daughter walked in and sat down a few rows in front of us. It was quite the sight, as the daughter looked like a miniature version of her overweight, glasses wearing, slovenly dressed mother. However, this girl could of only been ten at the oldest. Let me just say, I remember being about nine or ten and watching "Goonies" in the theater; It terrified the living shit out of me. After the first five minutes into the show, a Mexican kid is shown being attacked and then dragged down to hell by a demon. Needless to say, we hear a kid crying and telling their parents she wants to go home. However this is coming from behind us, not in front. Anyway, to carry on with the story, the movie ends with a pretty disturbing death scene. The lights come up, this girl and her mother calmly stand up and walk out of the theater. Not even a fucking peep, out of the kid. All I can think is "Wow, what a weird kid!".
So we head over to Chapters, buy a couple books, grab a quick bite to eat, head over to grandmas, pick up Eli and then continue our drive home. On the way we experience crazy hail, then rain. Get home and find almost all the snow is gone, except for a small spattering in the yard. And that was pretty much my whole Saturday.
Oh yeah, before I forget, I was also offered a job. As I said before, I would jump at the chance now, and so I will. I start on the 15th, wish me luck.
Desensitization at its finest. When CL and I go to a movie and see kids of inappropriate age attending with their parents, we can only shake our heads. -KQ
ReplyDeleteHey KQ,
ReplyDeleteThanks for visiting my blog. Are you still keeping one of your own? Or are you just doing the Facebook thing? Anyway, if you still have one, and wouldn't mind sending me the link, that would be great.
No blog for me currently. I am still on Facebook. A lot of my time is being eaten up by things like "work" and "family" recently, so have not been able to do much else. =P
ReplyDeleteGlad to hear about your new position! Good luck on the first day!
Good job dude. I am out of the loop.
ReplyDeletebut it rests easy on my weary shoulders to know that you are fine. May the long road treat you well...blah blah blah
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ReplyDeleteDementia.,Tach Disease,Breast Cancer,Blood Cancer,Colo-Rectal Cancer,Love Spell,Ataxia,Arthritis,Amyotrophic Lateral Scoliosis,Fibromyalgia,Fluoroquinolone Toxicity
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